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Over here...

we're health detectives.

Here at All Things Possible, we believe in the body’s innate ability to heal itself.


Our bodies want to be in a state of balance and are always seeking ways to course correct in order to arrive back at homeostasis. Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with stressors.


Whether those stressors are physical, mental, emotional, environmental or pathogenic, they all wreak havoc on our bodies’ ability to maintain its optimal state. We have created a situation of chronic imbalance and when our stressors outweigh our bodies’ innate intelligence, we arrive at a state known as “metabolic chaos.” 

Our Approach

Identify as many areas as possible of stress and dysfunction through an in-depth evaluation with our clients. We review medical history, mental and emotional wellbeing, diet, stressors impacting lifestyle and utilize state-of-the-art functional lab screenings to get a comprehensive look within. We want to get to know YOU, inside out! 

Identify all healing opportunities by taking a deep dive into your functional lab screenings and their interconnectedness. All lab screenings are analyzed collectively by a team which includes both your certified FDN® practitioner as well a licensed clinical advisor -- in order to provide the most in-depth case study available. We correlate scientific data along with your clinical picture in order to ensure we are formulating a health plan most specific to you. Most often, abnormal lab markers are linked to a causal agent much further upstream than what we see at first glance, which is why we value a comprehensive look at all your major areas of function.   

Create a customized health restoration plan utilizing lifestyle modification, detoxification, diet overhaul, supplementation and emotional support. 

Areas We Tackle

Areas We Tackle

Gut Dysbiosis/ Hormones

Food Sensitivities

Stress/ Limbic Rewiring

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Alexis had a direct hand in saving my husband's life. He was sick and getting sicker fast, and we didn't know why. After visiting many professionals (including the ER multiple times, cardiologist, and neurologist, among others), Alexis encouraged us to consider mold toxicity. My husband's urine mycotoxin test was high, the ERMI results were terrible in our home, and finally we had an answer. Alexis has stuck with us, coaching us about lifestyle changes, binders, and detox. We are so thankful for her! She is a caring practitioner. I shudder to think where my husband and our family would be now if we had not had her expertise at just the right time. We endorse her work highly!

- Lisa N.

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